About Us

Race To The Top

Race To The Top is founded with the ideal of giving college-bound students an unmatched leverage as they apply for highly competitive colleges. We believe all students should be given an opportunity to take advanced classes so as to be better prepared for college. We see that most schools do not have the capacity to realize that goal. First reason is schedule. Students are often in a position to make decisions about their advanced courses within the limitations of their school schedules. Some of the advanced courses students would prefer can be in scheduling conflict. Additionally, schools offer predetermined list of advanced courses. Expanding AP program of schools requires more planning and resources. Also, some schools employ rigid list of prerequisite courses, minimum GPA, etc to decide the students for their AP courses, i.e., not all the students who would like to take AP courses end up actually taking them. For all these reasons, we aim to give students and families an alternate route to self-study. Students do not have to study alone. We will be here to support them preparing our materials just like schools do. Students may register for the exams in their schools and take the exam!